Chalmers University of Technology

Professor, Leader Wireless Systems

Tommy Svensson is Full Professor in Communication Systems at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, where he is leading the Wireless Systems research on air interface and wireless backhaul networking technologies for future wireless systems. He received a Ph.D. in Information theory from Chalmers in 2003, and he has worked at Ericsson AB with core networks, radio access networks, and microwave transmission products.

He has been involved in top European and international research towards 4G, 5G and currently 6G on physical layer algorithms, multiple access, resource allocation, cooperative/ context-aided/ secure communications, mm-wave/ sub-THz communications, C-V2X, JCAS, satellite networks, sustainable design, and end-to-end architecture. He has been coordinator of MSc program at Chalmers, and is currently board member of the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS).