Could you please introduce yourself and your work at Einride?
I am passionate about sustainability and have been with Einride for 6 years. I am today a product manager at Einride accountable for our product portfolio for customers that want to transition and outsource their transportation network. I work in close collaboration with all parts of the business to ensure that we can provide the right services and value at the right time to our customers and partners.
What will you speak about at VECS 2024?
I will talk about product management principles and the differences between a start-up and a scale up, and how we are using these to transition to a product led organization built to scale.
What lessons have you learned from working with product management at a start-up?
Start with the customer, who they are and what purpose your product is aiming to target – without a customer you are not building products, you are building technology. And collaboration isn’t easy, work & customers don’t follow your org structure you need to actively create a space where you can collaborate across the organization.
What frameworks and methods have you implemented?
We are adapting several methods in the pace the organisation is ready to receive and adapt them. The ones I will be introducing during my session at VECS 2024 is Flow based on Kanban, Fit4Purpose and the prioritization framework RICE.
What is the most important thing you would like to share in your presentation?
I want my presentation to be used as inspiration for others on how to transition to a product led organization and that it is not too late to do something as long as you understand that it takes time to change.
What are you most looking forward to by attending and speaking at the event?
To follow the development within the vehicle industry and see both electrification and autonomous initiatives from a lot of different companies and perspectives.