11 January, 2024 Webmaster

Shaping the Future of the Transportation Landscape

Automotive is undergoing a significant transformation. Take part in the discussion on some of the megatrends shaping the future of the transportation landscape. What should OEMs do to keep pace with automotive disruptors? What will future car ownership look like? How can OEMs create new revenue streams? How will the growing share of Chinese OEMs shape the market? How can the use of AI improve efficiency and reduce costs? The agenda reflects how intertwined technology and business aspects have become in automotive.

VECS is also an excellent opportunity to learn about and discuss the latest advancements in Electronics & architecture, autonomous solutions, automotive testing and validation, the impact of electrification and software development & digitalization.

VECS brings together the auto industry community to share ideas, insights, and inspiration. Here you can find out where your competitors currently stand, compare yourself and show presence among +1500 peers. Listen to established industry experts, renowned organizations, and agile start-ups about the best use cases regarding process and organizational aspects for a profitable use of new technologies. Discuss current major hurdles and best solution approaches and find answers to your questions. How are other OEMs coping with the shift to central computer architecture where the vehicle becomes much more software-based and how do they tackle the commercial transformation where digitization changes the way they market and sell their products and interact with customers? Join the international exhibition, get a glimpse of new technologies and solutions in the automotive sector. Welcome to Gothenburg, Sweden on May 14-15.

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