20 september 2023 Webmaster

Welcome to Battery Tech for EV 2023. The event will focus on current topics such as What does the future hold for battery manufacturing? What is happening in the development of smarter and more efficient batteries? What research is there on batteries that are smaller, cheaper and recyclable, but with greater storage capacity and better performance?

As more and more cars become electric, the question of how they should be charged and where the energy should come from grows. How do we achieve the fastest way for vehicles to interact with the grid? What are the next steps towards a sustainable and smart energy future? Take part in the latest in research, development and news. Experience two content and networking packed days, where you can listen and ask questions to experts in the field who share their knowledge and experience.

From the program
• Developing resilient Supply Chains in the Battery Industry
• The Battery R&D Landscape in Sweden and Internationally
• The Role of Clean Batteries in Sustainable Energy Transition
• Sodium-ion cell design undisguised – pure and powerful
• The electric plane and the airport
• Updates in electric vehicle and battery regulations
• Using batteries as an additional resource within the energy infrastructure
• How do we get the fastest way for vehicles to interact with the electricity grid?

Battery tech for EV 2023 will provide an environment for development case studies & innovative thinking to help share and influence future development. Bringing together around 200+ R&D Engineers working with battery tech development, innovation & testing within the vehicle OEM’s and battery manufacturers. We look forward to meeting you on December 5-6 2023 in Gothenburg!

Marita Wallin
Project Manager
Insight Events
Tfn: 08-587 66 23
Email: marita.wallin@insightevents.se