Sweden’s most renowned meeting place for professionals in the Corporate Cash management and Treasury industry

Date & location

11-12 mars 2025
Stockholm, Vasagatan 28, 7A Posthuset

Registration conditions

You can find our registration conditions here.

For arrangements without a fee, your registration is binding, but you can of course transfer your place to a colleague. Any cancellation must be made in writing via e-mail, no later than two weeks before the conference, and confirmed via e-mail. In the event of no cancellation, SEK 990 will be charged.


Many of our presenters update their speeches at the last moment. In order to be able to offer an updated and correct version, we have therefore chosen to provide the documentation electronically. In connection with the conference, you get, via password, access to the documentation via a web link. In case of problems with downloading, please contact Customer Service, phone: 08-587 662 00. If you want to make notes in the documentation, we recommend that you print it out and take it with you to the conference.

Hotel booking

In connection with the conference, you have the opportunity to book an overnight stay at selected hotels in Stockholm at a discounted price. Don’t forget to enter the contract code.

Se the list of our hotel partners here

Filming & photography

As a means of documenting the event and to use in future marketing, parts of the conference will be filmed and photographed. This means some delegates might be included in some recorded material. If you do not wish to be filmed/photographed, please contact us.


Stefan Broman

+46 (0)8 587 662 23

Roland Behrendt

+46 (0)8 587 662 77

Anna Pettersson

+46 (0)8 587 662 94